I've never got a good picture of a short-eared owl (shortie or SEO; Asio flammeus), although not for want of trying in the past. This is the time of the year when the resident population is bolstered by birds coming from Scandinavia and Iceland, so it is a good time to see them.
Last week and this, I had three afternoon sessions in the Sandwich Bay area with my friend Phil, just standing on a footpath and waiting for the owls to appear. There are parts of that region where field voles breed prodigiously in the long grasses in flat areas behind the coast. They are a favoured food source for the shorties, so the owls hunt for them from early afternoon until after the sun has gone down.
These pictures are from each of the three sessions, taken between the early afternoon and after sunset.
Incidentally, I should just note how impressed I am by the Sony Alpha-1 with the 200-600mm lens: it tracked the owls beautifully, even in very low light, down to EV 3-4. Yes, I know it should do (it is within spec) but even so, I'm still amazed how well it works.
Have a shake, watch a bit more, have another shake…
Racing the bike :)
Diving for prey (this picture and the next)
Last light
Deep in long grass as the sun sets