Welcome! — Anthony Baines Photography


Thank you for stopping by my blog! My rambles here will be about anything that interests me: mostly photographic, sometimes not; sometimes contemporary, sometimes from my archive. If that doesn’t leave you much the wiser, then we are on the same page :-)

I’ve posted in the past on Wonky Horizons, an occasional blog I share with two good friends. While I shall continue to post irregularly there, this will be my main blog. 

Past entries on Wonky Horizons that I especially enjoyed writing include:

The Little Owl (June 2015)

Two variations from Rochester (Feb 2015)

Shoreham Airshow (UK) with a rented D810 (Sept 2014)

Rochester Dickens Festival (December 2013)

Saudi Tiffies and Tonkas: "God bless you" (Sept 2013)

A user's review: a year with the Nikon AF-S 24-120mm f/4G ED VR lens (August 2013 - it surprises me that this is my most viewed post on Wonky Horizons)

Dambusters 70th Anniversary Commemoration (May 2013)

Aircraft at night: post-processing (March 2013)

Photographing aircraft at night (Dec 2012)

Notes from New Haven and New York: hurricane Sandy edition (Nov 2012)

Shooting a band: Fat Tuesday (Sept 2012)

Olympic London (August 2012)

Olympics time (July 2012)